This step-by-step guide from the State Library of Victoria shows you how to break down research tasks into manageable parts and find reliable information.
The Library 2 course in Moodle is a great place to go when researching.
We subscribe to EBSCO, Science Reference Centre, History Reference Centre and World Book Online.
Log in to Moodle, and enrol in Library 2. You'll find it under Miscellaneous if you haven't already enrolled.
This is a checklist for evaluating online information
Carefully evaluate the resources you select for your assignments. This will help you to determine their quality and decide whether they will be appropriate for your purposes.
Use the following criteria to evaluate resources:
This guide was produced by the University of NSW Library (ELISE) and has been used with permission.
There are many online databases available to NSW citizens for searching via the State Library of NSW website.
You must have a Readers' Card to access these databases, and this can be arranged by visiting this page and completing the on-line form. Your card will be delivered to the physical address which you nominate when completing the online form.
When you visit the State Library of NSW website, go to eResources, and browse there - it's a good idea to determine which database you want to use before logging in with your Readers' Card.