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Year 8 Technology - Innovation and Emerging Technologies: Social and Environmental impacts

Home for Improvement

Social impacts of the technology

Beehive tap

Revolutionary Australian beehive invention raises millions

Bionic hand

Ethical questions are looming for prosthetics

Conductive thread

How the Maker Movement is transforming education

Google Car

Driverless car revolution : buy mobility not metal

3D printer

3D printing and its impact on society

Google Glasses

Google Glass - how will it impact on our everyday life

Day of Glass

A Day Made of Glass 2


Thermomixed reaction

Smart packaging

Australian packaging : issues and trends

Social and Environmental aspects - what are these?

What is meant by social and environmental impacts?

Innovative technologies, almost always have a direct impact on every facet of the way we conduct our lives.

The social  impact of innovations in technology commonly include:

The Nature of employment

Leisure activities

Access and use of information

Safety, performance and quality of the made world

The environmental impact of innovations in technology commonly include:

Package materials 

Product life-cycle

Fuel use for production

Product disposal



Remember that impacts can be both positive and negative.

Use these as definitions

Social The effect of an activity on the social fabric of the community and well-being of the individuals and families.

Possible adverse effects caused by a development, industrial or infrastructure project or by the release of a substance in the environment.

Impact Have a strong effect on someone or something

Environmental impacts of the technology

Beehive tap

Going against the flow : is the flow hive a good idea

Bionic hand

Tiny technologies raise big ethical issues

Conductive thread

Electronic textiles - current technologies and trends

Google Car

Are driverless cars good for the environment?

3D printers

How green is 3D printing?

Google Glasses

Why Google Glass is bad for the environment

Day of Glass

A Day Made of Glass


Feelin' the Thermomix love